Mudanya University Institutional Academic Archive System

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Teoriden uygulamaya yapay zekânın temelleri: geçmiş, gelecek ve güçlü promptlar
(Serüven Yayınevi, 2024-12) Pilavcı, Sevim; 385249; Şengel, Erhan
Günümüzün en popüler kavramı haline gelen yapay zeka; aslında 1936 yılında Alan Turing tarafından ortaya atılmıştır. “Makineler düşünebilir mi?” sorusuna cevap vermek isteyen Turing, çalışmasında makineleri ve düşünebilme durumlarını karşıt görüşlere de cevap vererek ayrıntılı olarak açıklamıştır. Yapay zekanın oluşturucusu olarak anılmaktadır (Yılmaz, 2022). Yapay zeka kavramını tam olarak anlamak için öncelikle temel kavramlar olan zeka, akıl ve düşünme üzerine odaklanmak gerekmektedir. Bu kavramlar, hem insan zihninin işleyişini anlamak hem de makinelerin bu işleyişi taklit etme kapasitesini değerlendirmek açısından önemlidir. Zeka, Türk Dil Kurumu’na (TDK) göre “insanın düşünme, akıl yürütme, öğrenme, kavramları ve nesneleri zihinde canlandırabilme, objektif gerçekleri algılama, yargılama, sonuç çıkarma, bedeni kontrol edebilme, duyguları doğru algılayabilme, değerlendirebilme, icat edebilme vb. yeteneklerinin ve becerilerinin tamamını” kapsayan bir beceri seti olarak tanımlanmaktadır (TDK, 2024). Yani, zeka insanın çevresiyle etkileşim kurma ve yeni bilgilere uyum sağlama kabiliyetidir. Akıl ise, düşünme ve kavrama gücü olarak tarif edilir; yani, bir durumu analiz etme, karar verme ve doğru yolu bulma yetisidir (TDK, 2024). Her iki kavram da düşünme eylemiyle yakından ilişkilidir; düşünme ise aklın bağımsız olarak kavramları, bağlantıları ve biçimleri ayırt etme yetisi olarak tanımlanır (TDK, 2024).
Immanuel Kant’s Moral Actions in Sarah Kane’s Blasted
(Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, 2024-12) Mustafa, Esma; 392828
Sarah Kane’s Blasted is a harrowing exploration of violence, trauma, and the fragility of human morality in a world ravaged by brutality. Through the characters of Ian and Cate, Kane examines the collapse of societal structures, the abuse of power, and the enduring question of what it means to act ethically under extreme circumstances. The play’s graphic depictions of abuse and vulnerability force audiences to confront the raw complexities of morality, particularly in the context of suffering and survival. This paper investigates Ian’s transformation in Blasted through the lens of Kant's philosophy of moral actions. According to Kant, the morality of an action is determined not by its outcome but by the intention and adherence to moral duty guiding it. Ian's progression from an unjust aggressor to a helpless dependent raises critical questions about the ethical value of his later actions and whether they signify genuine moral growth. By contrasting Ian's behaviour with Cate's acts of selflessness, this analysis aims to uncover the more profound ethical implications of Kane's work, emphasizing how her play challenges and redefines the boundaries of morality in the face of unimaginable violence.
Short Plays for English Learners
(Son Adım Yayınları, 2024-11) Mustafa, Esma; 392828
Impact of pre-stenting and bladder dranaige on intrapelvic pressure during retrograde intrarenal surgery
(Wiley, 2024-12) Yeni, Sezgin; Kılıçarslan, Hakan; Ocakoğlu, Gökhan; Coşkun, Burhan; Çiçek, Mehmet Çağatay; Günseren, Kadir Ömür; Yavaşçaoğlu, İsmet; 278343
Purpose: This study aims to assess the effect of pre-stenting and bladder drainage on intrapelvic pressure (IP) during Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (RIRS). Methods: Eighty-five consecutive patients were prospectively enrolled and meticulously recorded in a data form. Forty-two patients meeting the inclusion criteria after applying exclusion factors. The patients were divided into two groups: Group 1 (21 patients with preoperative JJ stents) and Group 2 (21 patients without preoperative JJ stents). IP was measured during RIRS, and the impact of various factors, including pre-stenting, bladder drainage and hydronephrosis (HN) grade, on IP was analysed through univariate and multiple linear regression. Results: The perioperative mean highest IP (78 ± 18.2 mmHg vs. 110 ± 23.9 mmHg), median lowest IP (29 mmHg vs. 42 mmHg) and median overall IP (41 mmHg vs. 69 mmHg) were significantly lower in Group 1 compared to Group 2 (all p < 0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that pre-stenting and mild HN (Grade 0–1) were independent predictors of reduced IP. Conclusion: Pre-stenting led to a significant reduction in IP during RIRS, likely due to passive ureteral dilation. Additionally, bladder drainage with urethral catheter further decreased IP. These findings suggest that pre-stenting and bladder drainage should be considered as strategies to reduce IP during RIRS, potentially improving surgical outcomes.
Enhancing municipal solid waste management efficiency through clustering: a case study
(Taylor and Francis, 2024-11) Çil, Sedat; Karaer, Feza; Salihoğlu, N. Kamil; Tabansız Göç, Gülveren; Çavdur, Fatih; 409903
This study leverages real-time datasets generated through IoT technology and smart city applications to enhance solid waste management in Yalova Province, Turkey. By integrating these datasets with the municipality’s Geographic Information System (GIS) using the ITRF/96 3 UTM X Y Coordinate System, a dynamic waste collection framework was established. The K-Means clustering algorithm was employed to determine the optimal waste container placement, considering capacities of 550, 800, 1,000, and 3,000 liters and walking distances of 50–100 ms. Results indicated that 1,000 and 3,000-liter containers with a 100-m walking distance maximized collection efficiency. Replacing 484 traditional containers with 105 units of 3,000 liters reduced total routes by 34%, transport costs by 42.2%, and CO2 emissions by 33.5%. The study underscores the importance of integrating GIS and IoT technologies for real-time waste management, aligning with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 11 and SDG 13). By combining data-driven decision-making with urban sustainability practices, it offers a replicable model for municipalities seeking to reduce costs and environmental impacts in waste collection.