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- ItemPareto‑optimal workforce scheduling with worker skills and preferences(Springer, 2025-02) İşeri, Ali; Güner, Hatice; Güner, Ali Rıza; 135066This paper addresses employee scheduling in service operations, considering various skill and skill levels and the fuctuating customer demand throughout the day and week. Employee shift and day-of preferences are also considered to enhance morale. We propose a two-stage integer programming model. In the frst stage, the model optimizes the number of employees required for each shift period, ensuring uniform distribution of overstafng to improve customer service. A Pareto frontier approach is applied between the two stages, ofering decision-makers a set of nondominated solutions that balance overstafng and understafng. The second stage uses the selected Pareto-optimal solution to assign shifts and day-ofs to employees, incorporating their skills, preferences, and fairness considerations. Our model implicitly includes shifts and breaks, reducing decision variables and computational time. Using real data from a dining restaurant chain, we validate the model’s efectiveness in enhancing customer service and reducing labor costs by 12.3% compared to manual scheduling. Furthermore, productivity and employee satisfaction improve by considering individual skills and preferences.
- ItemPsychological impact of disaster relief operations: a study following consecutive earthquakes in Turkey(Cambridge University Press, 2024-05) İşeri, Ali; Baltacı, Recep; 135066Objective: This cross-sectional study investigates the immediate psychological effects of disaster relief operations on team members following 2 consecutive major earthquakes in Turkey. Methods: A total of 170 participants, including professional firefighters, search and rescue (SAR) workers, and volunteers, were surveyed approximately 1 month after the conclusion of active SAR operations. The study utilizes the DSM-V criteria and the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL-5) to assess symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among participants. Results: The findings reveal a point prevalence of 35.3% for probable PTSD, highlighting the substantial psychological impact on disaster relief teams. Factors such as age, residency in affected areas, and active SAR involvement significantly influenced probable PTSD rates. Interestingly, actively engaged SAR members had lower probable PTSD rates, possibly due to their training. Those who directly witnessed the earthquakes had higher scores, highlighting the impact of firsthand exposure. Additionally, individuals aged 50 and above displayed a higher mean total severity score compared to younger participants. Conclusions: This research contributes to understanding the mental well-being of disaster relief professionals. The study’s findings underscore the importance of timely mental health support and training for these responders, emphasizing the need for preparedness in disaster relief teams.
- ItemTürk itfaiyecilerde bir mesleki psikolojik hastalık olarak travma sonrası stres(Serpil Aytaç, 2024-06) Baltacı, Recep; İşeri, Ali; 135066Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'deki profesyonel itfaiyeciler arasında Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu (TSSB) yaygınlığı araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) IV kriterlerine dayanan PTDS (the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale)’nin Türkçe tercümesi ve demografik, mesleki ve psikososyal risklere yönelik bazı ek sorular kullanılmıştır. Antalya, Adana, Konya ve Ankara Büyükşehir Belediye İtfaiyelerinde çalışan 273 itfaiyeci gönüllü olarak çalışmaya katılmıştır. Bulgular, çalışmaya katılan itfaiyecilerde TSSB yaygınlığının %16,5 (%95 GA: %12,1-%20,9) olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu oran, diğer ülkelerdeki itfaiyecilere kıyasla düşük, ancak genel popülasyondan önemli ölçüde yüksektir. Çalışma, TSSB'nin itfaiyeciler için bir meslek hastalığı olabileceğini düşündürmektedir. Toplam şiddet skoru metriği üzerinden yapılan analizlerde, yaş, medeni durum, eğitim, gelir, sigara ve alkol kullanımı, deneyim gibi faktörlerin TSSB ile ilişkisi ortaya konamamıştır. Ancak, çalışılan il, psikolojik tedavi geçmişi, mesleğin istemli seçimi, mobbing uygulamalarına maruz kaldığını düşünmek ve müdahale edilen olay sayısı gibi psikososyal risk faktörleri TSSB ile anlamlı bir şekilde ilişkili bulunmuştur.
- PublicationMathematical model to upcycle end-of-roll leftover fabrics in apparel manufacturing(Sage, 2024-06) İşeri, Ali; Kızılaslan, Recep; 135066This study addresses the problem of end-of-roll leftover fabrics originating after the production of baby/child apparel. The ineffective management of these leftovers results in excess inventory, occupies storage space, and imposes economic and environmental loads. To address this challenge, a novel mathematical modeling approach is proposed. The model maximizes the upcycling of leftovers by incorporating these into the manufacturing of garments while adhering to marketing, production, and ordering constraints. This model also introduces the feasibility of ordering new fabrics with a penalty, as defined by the decision makers, to increase utilization. The model was tested using actual end-of-roll leftover data. The upcycling utilization of leftovers was calculated to be between 57% and 87%. Notably, at an upcycling rate of 58%, 96% of the utilized fabrics were sourced from leftovers. The case study results validate the model efficacy and provide insights into leftover-fabric management.