The Relationship between Resistant Hypertension and Advanced Glycation End-Product Levels Measured Using the Skin Autofluorescence Method: A Case–Control Study

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Peker, Tezcan
Boyraz, Bedrettin
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Resistant hypertension is hypertension that cannot be controlled despite the use of three antihypertensive drugs, one of which is a diuretic. Resistant hypertension often coexists with advanced age, obesity, smoking, and diabetes. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are substances that are generated as a result of the glycation of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids due to conditions such as hyperlipidemia, oxidative stress, and hyperglycemia. There are studies showing the relationships between AGE levels and aortic stiffness, hypertension, and microvascular and macrovascular complications in diabetes. In our study, we examined the relationship between resistant hypertension and AGE levels. Our study was planned as a case–control study, and 88 patients with resistant hypertension were included in the focus group, while 88 patients with controlled hypertension were included in the control group. The AGE levels of the patients were measured using the skin autofluorescence method. AGE levels were found to be significantly higher in patients with resistant hypertension than those recorded in the control group. A significant increase in AGE levels was also observed in patients with resistant hypertension and without diabetes compared with the control group. The levels of AGEs, which can be measured cheaply, noninvasively, and quickly with the skin autofluorescence method, may provide benefits in identifying these patients with resistant hypertension.
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)
resistant hypertension , advanced glycation end products , skin autofluorescence
Peker, T., & Boyraz, B. (2023). The Relationship between Resistant Hypertension and Advanced Glycation End-Product Levels Measured Using the Skin Autofluorescence Method: A Case–Control Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(20), 1-11.